7 Things You Should Know About Acute Gastritis

December 10, 2018

What is acute gastritis? Read this blog to learn symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis tests and prevention tips to avoid acute gastritis.

Acute gastritis is a condition that causes sudden inflammation, erosion or irritation in the lining of the stomach. It can cause severe and nagging pain. If the symptoms appear slowly over time, it is termed as chronic gastritis. The inflammation of gastritis is most often the result of infection with the bacteria, H. Pylori. Gastritis can be caused by irritation due to excessive alcohol use, chronic vomiting, stress, or the use of certain medications such as aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs.

1. What puts you at risk of Acute Gastritis?

Factors that increase the risk of acute gastritis include:

Infection with H. Pylori bacterium is the main factor that causes acute Gastritis.

Indiscriminate use of painkillers like diclofenac, Aceclofenac, aspirin etc

Old age increases the risk of gastritis.

Excessive alcohol consumption can be a major cause.

Smoking & chewing tobacco over time can cause this condition.

Excessive coffee consumption over time can also cause this condition.

Severe stress due to major surgery, injury, burns or severe infections can cause acute gastritis.

People with certain autoimmune conditions like Hashimotos thyroiditis develop autoimmune gastritis

Diseases like inflammatory bowel disease, HIV, parasitic infections can also increase the risk.

2. What are the symptoms of Acute Gastritis?

Some of the major symptoms include:

A burning sensation in the upper abdomen that relieves on eating

Excessive abdominal pain



Bloating sensation in the abdomen after meals

3. How is this condition diagnosed?

Your doctor would take your detailed medical history to identify any cause of acute gastritis. A few tests may be advised which include:

Upper G.I Endoscopy to look for erosions in the stomach

Tests like Rapid urease test and hydrogen breath test to check for H. Pylori infection

Barium meal X-Ray

4. How can Acute Gastritis be prevented?

Avoiding the risk factors can help in reducing the risk of Acute Gastritis. Some of the measures include

Quit Smoking

Avoiding indiscriminate usage of painkillers.

Limit the consumption of alcohol.

Avoid spicy food. Choose a healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Decrease intake of carbonated drinks and fast foods.

Sleep well and take adequate measures to overcome stress.

5. What are some lifestyle and dietary habits to change?

Along with medications, lifestyle and dietary modification play an important role in managing acute gastritis

Choose a healthy diet- one that is full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Article by Dr. Gideon Marcus Francis, M.B.B.S
Consultant Physician, CallHealth

Have a Question? Consult Dr. Gideon Marcus Online.

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